Disclosure of ESG Information

Disclosure of ESG Information

Non-financial information on the environment, society, and governance is disclosed on our website as "ESG data."

※ Respective data subject to disclosure may change based on the progress of this initiative at our company.

Environmental Issues

  • CO2 emissions
  • Waste emissions (non-consolidated)
  • Electricity usage
  • Water usage
  • Sales of energy-saving and environmentally friendly products

Social Issues

  • Number of employees
  • New graduate and mid-career hires (number)
  • Managers (number of people) (including directors)
  • Percentage of woman employees in career-track and professional positions(not including managers)
  • Percentage of woman employees among employees at assistant manager level(including general staffs)
  • Employment rate for persons with disabilities
  • Turnover
  • Length of service
  • Average annual income (by job category)
  • Occupational accidents (number of days)
  • Occupational accidents (frequency)
  • Average days of paid leave taken
  • Number of employees taking childcare leave
  • Number of employees taking nursing care leave
  • Stress Check Index
  • Employee Satisfaction Index
  • Percentage of high-stress employees
  • Regular health check-up rate
  • Participation rate of rank-based training
  • Participation rate of managerial training
  • Number of training sessions related to technology and skills
  • Number of participants in training related to technology and skills
  • Number of newly qualified employees

Governance Issues

  • Board of Director effectiveness (ratio of independent directors/ratio of female directors/ ratio of foreign directors /number of board meetings/skill set)
  • Number of participants in compliance training
  • Number of legal violations
  • Number of internal reports
  • Number of external reports

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